How To Wash a Weighted Blanket in 5 Easy Steps

Weighted blankets have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they provide a sense of comfort and relaxation that can help reduce stress, anxiety and even insomnia. This is probably why so many people even sleep with them on their beds every night!
Of course, with regular use, these blankets will get dirty and require cleaning just like any other type of blanket. If you’re wondering how to wash a weighted blanket properly, don’t worry — it’s actually easier than you might think. And in this post, we’ll break down the five easy steps to get your weighted blanket looking and feeling like new.
Step 1: Check the Care Label
Before you begin washing your weighted blanket, check the care label to see if there are any specific instructions or guidelines to follow. Some blankets may be machine washable, while others may require a professional to wash them, especially if they’re over 15 pounds. The care label may also provide information on the appropriate water temperature and detergent to use.
Step 2: Prepare Your Washing Machine
If your weighted blanket is machine washable, prepare your washing machine by selecting a gentle cycle and adding a small amount of mild detergent. Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach, as these can damage the blanket’s fabric and reduce its effectiveness. It’s also a good idea to add a few extra towels or blankets to the wash to help balance the load.
Step 3: Wash and Rinse the Blanket
Once your washing machine is ready, place the weighted blanket inside and start the cycle. Use cold or lukewarm water and avoid using hot water, as this can damage the blanket’s filling. After the cycle is complete, run another rinse cycle to rinse any remaining ensure any remaining detergent from the heavy fabric.
Step 4: Dry the Blanket
Now that your blanket is clean, it’s time to dry it. While some blankets may be dryer-safe on a low tumble cycle, it’s generally recommended to air dry them to prevent damage to the filling. It’s usually best to lay it out to dry on some towels, a countertop or another water-resistant surface. Avoid using a clothesline or hanger, as this can stretch the fabric and damage the filling.
Step 5: Fluff and Store the Blanket
Once your weighted blanket is completely dry, fluff it up by shaking it gently. When storing your blanket, avoid folding it, as this can create creases and reduce its effectiveness. Instead, roll it up loosely and store it in a dry, cool place.
Additional Tips
In addition to following these five steps, there are a few other tips you can follow to keep your weighted blanket in top condition. First, avoid washing your blanket too often — a good rule of thumb is to only wash it every three to four months. Also, consider spot-cleaning any small stains or spills with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. Finally, it’s always a good idea to inspect your weighted blanket on a regular basis for any signs of wear and tear.
While taking care of a weighted blanket may seem intimidating at first, it’s actually very simple. Just follow these five steps — check the care label, prepare the washing machine, wash and rinse the blanket, dry it and fluff it — and your blanket will be good as new. With proper care and maintenance, your weighted blanket will last for many years and continue to provide you with a sense of comfort and relaxation.
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