Is Napping Beneficial for You? The Dos and Don’ts of a Short Snooze

We all feel the urge to sneak in a quick nap here and there, but with so much conflicting information out there, it’s hard to know whether napping is truly beneficial for our health. Is it really possible to take advantage of those short snoozes without ruining our sleeping habits?
In this post, we’ll dive into the research to answer your questions about nap-taking and what the dos and don’ts are for a successful snooze. We’ll also share our top tips for getting the maximum amount of rest and benefits from your short slumber. So, if you’re ready to learn more about naptime, let’s get started!
Naps have long been a part of our lives, yet in recent years our understanding of their benefits, and the best way to use them, has grown significantly. A short nap can provide numerous benefits, from improved alertness to better memory retention. And in this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at when you should nap and how you can optimize its benefits.
When Should You Nap?
Timing is key when it comes to napping. If you nap at the wrong times, it could interfere with your sleep patterns or cause unintended drowsiness during waking hours. Napping is best done before 3:00 pm, as that is the time of day when most people feel most tired. After 3:00 p.m., a nap may interfere with your nighttime sleep. Of course, everyone’s routine is different, so the perfect time to nap can vary.
If boosting productivity is the goal and coffee just isn’t helping, a short nap may be the solution! However, to not let it interfere with your schedule, make sure to take it earlier in the day, and keep it short.
How Long Should You Nap?
How long should you nap? Generally speaking, it is best to keep your naps short — no more than 10-20 minutes. Longer naps can leave you feeling groggy and disoriented. An even shorter nap of a few minutes may still confer some benefits if it’s all you have time for, but anything much longer than 20 minutes is likely to make you feel sluggish when you wake up.
What To Do During a Nap
To maximize the benefit of your nap, it’s important to make sure your environment is conducive to restful sleep. Here are some things to try:
- Try to eliminate noise and light by closing doors and curtains and using a comfortable eye mask or earplugs if necessary
- Avoiding caffeine before your nap will help you relax and fall asleep faster as well as reduce any feelings of grogginess after awakening
- Make sure to turn off any devices that might distract you while dozing off since a quiet environment free from distractions can help give you a deeper, more restful sleep
The Dos and Don’ts of Napping
To get the most out of your nap, here are some dos and don’ts:
- Do keep your naps short. Try to keep them around 10-20 since anything longer could make you feel groggy for the remainder of the day
- Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine before or during your nap (or before bed). These drinks can actually disrupt your sleep and prevent you from getting the rest you need
- Do get comfortable. Find a comfy spot that’s free of distractions so you can get those precious napping minutes in sooner
- Don’t nap too late in the day. Sometimes you’re better off waiting until your actual bedtime
- Do give yourself some time to wake up once you finish your nap
- Don’t drink regular coffee after you wake up. Decaf coffee is best for a post-nap pick me up without interfering with your routine
Final Thoughts
Naps can provide numerous benefits when taken correctly and in moderation. With the right dos and don’ts in mind, you can make the most of your short snoozes and reap all the benefits they have to offer.
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